A couple more shots from Paris.
Pentax KX
Ilford Delta 400
Pentax M 50mm/1.7, yellow filter
Spieker Film Lab
A couple more shots from Paris.
Pentax KX
Ilford Delta 400
Pentax M 50mm/1.7, yellow filter
Spieker Film Lab
Paris Games gender row was product of Russian fake news campaign, IOC's Bach says
The International Olympic Committee had to fight off many similar campaigns before and after the Paris Games, its outgoing president said.
And the obligatory Eiffel Tower photo, with bonus moon
#paris #EiffelTower
And here's some along another wall, with the Palais de Luxembourg in the background
#mosstodon #paris
Lots of moss in and around the Jardin du Luxembourg. Here's some on the fence wall
#mosstodon #paris
Mercredi 12
19h, accueil dans le mouvement sur #Paris
bonjour voisins
Edouard Boubat, Les Chats, Paris, 1947
#cats #photography #silentsunday #paris
Unexploded WWII bomb in Paris halts Eurostar travel to London and trains to northern France.
@abc reports: "The device was found close to where dozens of Olympic events were held."
Les licenciements du gouvernement trump mettent aussi en danger la surveillance climatique mondiale
[#FORMATION] Travailler en équipe avec #Nextcloud
Les inscriptions pour la session d'avril 2025 sont ouvertes !
Cette formation est conçue pour permettre de comprendre les concepts de base de Nextcloud et comment réaliser les tâches quotidiennes nécessaires pour participer à un collectif utilisant ce logiciel.
Financement par la formation professionnelle possible.
Dates de formation : mardi 15 et mercredi 16 avril 2025, à #Paris
Plus d'info : https://www.ritimo.org/Travailler-en-equipe-avec-Nextcloud?id_evenement=2852
Great video not just about bike lanes in Paris, but also dispelling the myth that it's just leadership, and highlighting the importance of advocacy, accountability, and seizing opportunities.
Résumé des actions prévues à Paris ce vendredi 7 Mars :
9h30-11h – Conférence de presse ouverte au public au Collège de France (amphithéâtre Halbwachs)
11h30-13h – Tables rondes et exposés ouverts au public à Jussieu (amphithéâtre 45B)
13h30 – Rassemblement place Jussieu, et marche au travers du Quartier Latin.
I might have just bought this. Seriously, can I justify it as a business expense or as part of my research?
I thought not. I'll be too busy job hunting and writing to build it for months, but I am already sourcing custom decals as if my life depended on it.
I do realise that I am just trying to cheer myself up, but sometimes, being able to afford things like this is not the best thing.