I don't wanna burst anyone's bubble but having actually been to Europe they have a lot of the same problems America does.
Like moving to Norway ain't gonna solve 99% of your problems and will create a billion more lmao
Things that exist in Europe in just as great of numbers as the US:
* Pro-lifers
* Religious people
* People who hate trans people
* People who think queer people should just be quiet
* People who really believe giving up freedom can make them safer
* CCTV (actually, more)
* Doctors who gatekeep the fuck out of everything
* Medical insurance (yes, really!)
* Shitty infrastructure (though their trains are better, a lot of public transit is busses now...)
* Poor people
Also in Europe:
* Surveillance state
* Shitholes run by shitty landlords
* Landlords
* Gas prices that will make you scream (way worse than the US)
* Draconian regulations on getting your license (far worse than the US)
* Capitalism is still king
* Living off welfare still fucking sucks
This is why I'm not gonna move there unless shit gets real. Like what, I'm trading one set of problems for another, and I get to find out what it's like to be an immigrant. Which I'm sure in this age of resurgent fascism is absolutely not unpleasant not at all.
Also if you think America has an Islamophobia problem, even "centrist" and "liberal" politicians are of the attitude that "they have to adapt to our way of life" and so a lot of places openly ban religious symbols, which btw is absolutely unthinkable in the US even with how shitty it is.
And yeah. As an American you're going to be an *immigrant* in Europe. You will never be "one of them." You will never be "first-class." Try too little to integrate and you're "not trying to fit in" hard enough. Try too much and you'll get accused of cultural appropriation.
(Cite: have had Europeans tell me)