#MarshMadness today I painted a marsh imp, Pyractomena lucifera, which can be found in two distinct sub populations in the northeast and southeast US. Like most fireflies, they are threatened by wetland habitat loss and light pollution.
#MarshMadness today I painted a marsh imp, Pyractomena lucifera, which can be found in two distinct sub populations in the northeast and southeast US. Like most fireflies, they are threatened by wetland habitat loss and light pollution.
I think all the organs and such in the cephalothorax are done. Still working on the abdomen. (Spider internal organs 3d model. Hopefully will eventually be 3d printed.)
Spider people, how's it looking?
For #BrainAwarenessWeek I’m sharing my brainiest #SciArt #embroidery pieces. Here’s a detail from the wandering ghost (2024), my piece about the vagus nerve and my experiences with polyvagal theory.
You can read more about this piece here: https://liapas.com/2024/10/15/the-wandering-ghost/
This #MarshMadness critter is a crimson marsh glider (Trithemis aurora). Dragonflies are some of the most effective predators on the planet, snatching prey right out of the air with an up to 97% success rate. Each of their four wings can operate independently, making them strong, agile fliers. They also utilize a trick called "motion camouflage." Instead of flying straight towards their target, they keep in line with its path (even anticipating future moves), making them appear stationary even as they approach.
Happy birthday to chemist William Henry Perkin (1838-1907)! This #lino block print ‘William Henry Perkin Discovers Mauve’ is about how the British chemist & entrepreneur made the serendipitous discovery of the 1st synthetic organic dye: mauveine.
Perkins entered the Royal College of Chemistry in London in 1853 when he was only 15, studying with August Wilhelm von Hofmann. 1/n
#linocut #printmaking #sciart #chemistry #MastoArt #dye #histsci #chemist #FashionHistory #purple #mauve #colour
Treatment: The ER’s Embrace
For #BrainAwarenessWeek I’m sharing my brainiest #SciArt #embroidery pieces. Here’s she was tributaries (2016), a depiction of the electrical storm I feel in my brain when I have cognitive fatigue from #MECFS.
Today for #MarshMadness I painted a large marsh grasshopper (Stethophyma grossum). Although populations nearly disappeared, these guys are once again increasingly common in the UK thanks to rewilding and breeding efforts.
For #InternationalWomensDay a short thread of my ongoing series of portraits of women in science through history. If you look for them, they’re there. I’m up to 67 now! Here’s to the day when a scientist’s sex is no longer remarkable in any field!
A quick geometric pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing, before heading out for the Stand Up For Science rally here in San Francisco: https://standupforscience2025.org/
Happy birthday to Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) renown Flemish cartographer.
What made Mercator a great #cartographer, was in fact his abilities as a #mathematician -and like those of us scientists who feel compelled also to create art he was wasn’t hindered by his immense ability as an engraver. He produced beautiful world maps (a version of which is depicted in this print), globes, 1/n
"Make a 3d model of a spider's internal organs", they said.*
"It'll be fun!", they said.*
*No one said this.
Playing with a network pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing.
Here's an in-progress shot.
So excited to announce my first release of sketchbook originals. All done in watercolor at local coffee shops before work and on the weekends. These are actual pages from my sketchbook. Learn more at https://shop.mikehendley.com #sciart
It’s #WorldHearingDay to raise awareness about hearing health and accessibility. Here’s my #SciArt #embroidery of the cochlea/inner ear which I did while researching my symptoms of hyperacusis.
Today I painted a recently discovered prehistoric beetle (Angimordella burmitina) that was fossilized in amber alongside grains of pollen. This almost 100 million year old beetle rewrites our understanding of angiosperm/pollinator evolution. Before this, the oldest evidence of pollination came from 50 million year old bee fossils.
Aujourd'hui : la Salamandre tachetée !
Une "gouacharelle" réalisée l'année dernière et mise en page récemment.. A retrouver ici :
#salamandra #salamandre #salamandres #Amphibien #amphibiens #herpetology #herpetologie #art #sciart #nature #naturaliste #especesprotegees #EspècesMenacées #dessinnaturaliste #dessinnature #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #WildlifeConservation #naturephoto #naturepainting #natureillustration #NatureArtist #shopsmall #smallartist
Here’s an older print which would also have been a match for the #printerSolstice2425 prompt copper: my lino block print of the beautiful green mineral malachite. Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, with the formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. This mineral has been mined for thousands of years. It has been used as a source of copper and as a mineral pigment since antiquity.1/2
For the @printersolstice #printerSolstice2425 prompt copper, I made a #linocut horseshoe crab (Tachypeus gigas) in grey, blue-bronze and dark brown on 8" x 8" cream-coloured Japanese paper with bark inclusions. They get their name from their horseshoe like shape but they are not crabs; they are chelicerates, more closely related to arachnids and they are "living fossils" which have changed very little since
Today's drawing takes inspiration from Aspergillus, one of the most interesting looking species I've ever seen under a microscope.
Here's an in-progress shot.