Damp spring buds opening.
Damp spring buds opening.
We had a stormy night but thankfully sustained no damage around the house. A cloudy start but now it's sunny and warm. We had a good 2+hour walk and saw some trees fallen. We are both tired but needed it.
Sweetwater Creek State Park, GA
i'm challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone (mugs + cups) to improve my teapot forms. not ready to commit, but am going to TRY and make a teapot every day.
This is unfired porcelain. decorated and ready for the kiln!
hope you are having a good weekend!
I love these darling little Viola faces and their sweet scent so much. They have been self-seeding into all of our planters for years, not one looking exactly like the other #BloomScrolling #SilentSunday #spring #gardening #OrganicGardening #balconyGarden
A hint of spring, on a gray afternoon in South Philly.
It was Kengo's spa day. He got all clean, nails ground, teeth brushed, and got a teal bandana.
The forecast storm is still away, but wind has picked up. We're staying home today, and it's supposed to be clear by sunrise tomorrow, then we'll go out.
Purple Crocuses
Took my very 1st robin photo in March 2021. I celebrated by beginning a new tradition. I decided that my 1st robin photo each spring would mark my official 1st day of the season, 3/20 or not.
Caught this handsome devil yesterday, so, my Spring-eth Hath Sprung-eth!
Hopefully this is the last return to winter we get this year.
A couple dozen wild turkeys visited this morning browsing the lawn and woods. The four boys at the back were fluffing and strutting from time to time.
Shot through a window with a Canon FD 200/f4 & Olympus OM-D E-M1
#wildlife #spring #wildturkey
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birding
cloudy weather.
A bumble bee bum sparkling in the sun as it robs nectar from the African Flag flower.
P.S. This flower was in our garden when we moved in, but we need to rip it out each summer because it dries into a fire tender hazard. I would dig out the bulbs but the Anna Hummingbirds love it.
Daffodils are blooming now
Red Winged Blackbird Singing
Good Morning #Canada
As we all refresh our weather apps with giddiness and look ahead to a real spring (12°C here in Caledon tomorrow), please remember that #MotherNature has a sick sense of humor. On March 12th and 13th in 1888, one of the worst blizzards in history paralyzed the east coast of North America and killed 400+ people. Most of Atlantic Canada received over 100 cm of snow. Don't temp fate by putting the snow shovels away early.
#CanadaIsAwesome #Spring
I get fed up with daffodils being seen as all jaunty and jolly, so here's a more mysterious and menacing view of one - from my archives.
Early Larch flower and leaf buds up at Sydlings Copse yesterday
Spring is unfurling
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, cinnamon fern