Rare Fossil of 183-Million-Year-Old Plesiosaur Reveals Both Smooth and Scaly Skin https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/rare-fossil-of-183-million-year-old-sea-monster-reveals-both-smooth-and-scaly-skin-180986026/
Skin, scales, and cells in a Jurassic plesiosaur https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(25)00001-6 by @dinosven
"it was between something like a green sea turtle with scales and the smooth-skinned leatherback turtle"
So long, 2024! Hello 2025!
I'm only a little late How is 2025 treating you so far?
Sharing this little doodle from last year that I never got around to posting as part of a wrap up on old projects as I prepare for new adventures this year!
Nouveautés sur la boutique !
- Angeac-Charente (Crétacé inférieur), ma première estampe de #paleoart ambitieuse
- Mouvement 1, ma première estampe abstraite
Tout est là : https://levilain.fr/boutique/?orderby=date
J'accepte volontiers les partages car il faut bien gagner sa croûte
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here are a few crops from a mural I painted for Wollaton Hall Museum (Nottingham, UK), 2020. This is one of the most detailed paintings I've ever created.
Magenta Moment for Mammoth #cartooning #digitalart #nonsense poor #paleoart
A new twist in an old origin story: Earliest #dinosaurs may have emerged in the Amazon https://phys.org/news/2025-01-story-earliest-dinosaurs-emerged-amazon.html paper: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(24)01722-6 #paleoart by @markwitton
"the earliest dinosaurs likely emerged in a hot equatorial region in what was then the supercontinent #Gondwana—an area of land that encompasses the Amazon, Congo, & Sahara today... the may have been well adapted to hot, arid environments... #sauropods seemed to retain their preference, keeping to lower latitudes"
I can't NOT post this to sauropds.win: New #paleoart for #FossilFriday: BRONTOSMASH! II: the BRONTOSMASHENING. High-resolution version just posted to #patreon along with lots of discussion about the apatosaur neck combat hypothesis: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120678428
HT to @mike, because I believe he likes this sort of thing.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
In 2020 I illustrated DINOSAURS: NEW VISIONS OF A LOST WORLD, written by Prof Mike Benton. Here's my painting of Microraptor.
This book would make a great Christmas gift!
Please help save the Sea Rex: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/searex
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Into 2019 with "Cambrian Epic," featuring two Timorebestia (newly discovered at that time) and a variety of other wonderful creatures from the Sirius Passet lagerstätte. This was commissioned for Park et al 2024.
Quick #fanart for the game #amberisle cuz the iggy character said the thing!
Might have posted this already but anyway, art fight revenge!
I'm happy to be finally able to share this #Stegosaurus commission for The Gaming Beaver a few years ago.