J'commence à voir pas mal de #AltText générés par IA.
Ça se reconnaît parce que le machin produit un texte de 6 pieds de long en décrivant tous les détails possibles. Ça devient un enfer à lire.
Je sais que ça peut être difficile mais est-ce qu'on pourrait juste écrire soi-même ce qu'il y a à voir sur l'image SVP ?
Et si vraiment c'est pas possible pour vous, je rappelle qu'on a #Alt4me pour demander à d'autres gens de vous aider (Ça participe à l'esprit de communauté que j'aime bien ici.).
My butterfly amaryllis this morning.
I raised this amaryllis from a small bulb I purchased 4 yrs ago. I wasn't sure if it was ever going to bloom but amaryllis foliage s quite lovely on its own.
Definitely worth the wait
Took my very 1st robin photo in March 2021. I celebrated by beginning a new tradition. I decided that my 1st robin photo each spring would mark my official 1st day of the season, 3/20 or not.
Caught this handsome devil yesterday, so, my Spring-eth Hath Sprung-eth!
Announcing Altbot 2.0: The Privacy & Green Update
Exciting news! After months of development, Altbot 2.0 is officially launching with major improvements to privacy, efficiency, and description quality.
What's new in Altbot 2.0:
The only data Altbot 2.0 records:
No images, no content, no personal data saved - ever.
For those who don't know, Altbot has been helping make the Fediverse more accessible by automatically generating alt-text descriptions for images. The project has grown beyond anything I imagined, now serving thousands of users across the network.
Support Altbot's Future
To bring these privacy and efficiency improvements to life, I had to invest in a more powerful server than initially planned. The server costs exceeded my budget by around $900, which I've covered out of pocket. Who woulda thought that competing with a $1.98 trillion dystopian mega corporation would be expensive? Shocking, I know.
I've set up a Ko-fi fundraising goal to help recover these costs and support ongoing development: Ko-fi.com/micr0byte
Your contributions will help ensure Altbot remains:
Even small donations make a huge difference and motivate me to keep enhancing accessibility across the Fediverse!
This milestone represents a commitment to ensuring accessibility doesn't come at the cost of privacy or environmental impact. I'm incredibly proud of what we've built together.
As Altbot continues to grow, I'm open to sharing more about this journey with anyone interested in accessibility, ethical AI, or Fediverse projects.
For press inquiries: inquiries@micr0.dev
Feel free to boost or reach out!
Writing captions for pictures by hand is a great word game, better than #wordle !
Favorite photo from Chicago a few yrs ago. Had recently purchased a Nikon 40mm macro lens which is also an excellent street lens. This trip I decided to restrict myself to the the 40mm only. It was a great challenge and I learned a lot.
Ibland är det svårt att hitta ut ur både sina egna tankar om sig själv och andras bild av vem och hur en är. Att känna sig låst i en enda bild av sig själv och till slut tro att den är sann.
Det så lätt att fastna där och sen inte tro att den kan förändras över tid.
Men vi är ju i ständig rörelse, ständig förändring. Den jag är idag är inte densamma som jag var igår men inte heller densamma som jag kommer bli imorgon!
#AltText för bildbeskrivining
@FediTips It might be worth pointing out that not only people with visual and/or auditory impairments benefit from #AltText. It can be useful in many other ways, too.
To me, as an #autistic person whose perception and information processing work in quite different ways, it is not always clear what the point of an image is. Some good alt text can help a lot.
Some clarifying background info in alt text can also be very useful for the general public (which helps to normalise the use of alt text).
This is native (for me) wild hyacinth. Planted it in my garden2 yrs ago. As you can see it has a unique coloration that almost looks as though someone hand painted white streaks on top of lavender petals. Part of my attempts to find native alternatives to traditional garden favorites.
Proud parents take the kids out for a spin on the deep, blue-green waters of Lake Michigan.