@jeffjarvis But here is a *crazy* notion:
Leave #LinkedIn
it's possible, feasible, desirable and helps everyone else, too. Staying at the nazi bar NEVER helps anyone, but the nazis.
@jeffjarvis But here is a *crazy* notion:
Leave #LinkedIn
it's possible, feasible, desirable and helps everyone else, too. Staying at the nazi bar NEVER helps anyone, but the nazis.
@jeffjarvis I posted 2 things last night
I used the #elbowsup hashtag
Both posts are at about a dozen impressions
Usually it's 5x that just from overnight
And double that over 6 more hours
I'm going to repost one of them, identically, without the hashtag...and see
Re: the previous link, I wanted to add this coda: if you read through this list and still want to use some #LLM to craft your #LinkedIn posts… I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe if you’re writing in a second language or something, but most people tell me outright that they use #AI to “come up with ideas” — and if you don’t have an idea of what to write, why are you even trying to post?
#Microsoft has to pay a #LinkedIn user €50.000 after continuing to use tracking cookies.
in Dutch:
@briankrebs I looked, but I'm not sure what posts you're referring to. Don't forget that #LinkedIn and others use algorithms to curate people's feeds, so you may be waiting on a reaction to something many will never see. That's not uncommon, especially when a post's visibility is based on likes and views.
Somehow pictures of cats always win over substantive posts. It's not fair, but it definitely happens.
LinkedIn reinstated my posts about the ongoing risks of #COVID19. I appreciate the support I received from folks here and #LinkedIn escalating, reviewing, and reversing the earlier decisions.
I pointed out to the LinkedIn contact who reached out to me that I was far from the only person who has had accurate posts taken down. So, I will continue to fight COVID indifference and do my best to keep people informed with accurate information.
Why does Linekdin send me an email every few days with "Veronica, you’re on a roll on LinkedIn!" when I am in fact not rolling with it at all!
I don't really make any updates of note unless I switch job, which I haven't done since 2021. I never post anything, and congratulate someone perhaps a couple of times a year because why would I spend any time on that site anyway?
How many international keynote speakers, coaches, and thought leaders does it take to change a light bulb?
All of them—except the light bulb never gets changed because they were too busy shitposting on #LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is supposed to be a professional network, nothing wrong with that. But increasingly often I have observed another... worrying trend. Employers appear to believe that individuals profiles on LI are theirs to command, or an extension of their brand.
IMHO my LI profile is MINE. It appears more often than not that orgs are hell-bent on being perceived as a non-human entity only, ie. no politics, marketing and sales only. And then expect the same from employees.
And they say, #Mastodon or the #Fediverse is too small, your content can't go viral:
Yesterday I posted a photo of the protest against the far right in #Hannover on my other account:
I have now found multiple posts on #Threads, #X & #LinkedIn with this exact picture, that were seen hundreds of thousands of times. Only one has sourced it to me, though.
@briankrebs If you put the LinkedIn link here, it'd be easier for me to repost on there rather than tracking it down under your profile.
One of my #COVID19 posts on #LinkedIn was removed for misinformation. Apparently, sharing Federal Reserve data and a link to 1,600 studies on COVID risks is now misinformation! (What really pisses me off is that I asked for a review of the decision, and it took seconds for them to confirm they won't restore my post.) So, now I'm boycotting LinkedIn for a while. If they want to go the way of Twitter/X, then they'll do so without my content driving engagement and ad views.
#Linkedin is a place for "thought leaders" to write articles trying to appear insightful while barely repeating someone else's thoughts from months ago, but with orthographic errors.
Honestly might be my longest living social media account at this point. #linkedin
@ginkka : als genoeg mensen hun "CV" op Mastodon posten en pinnen, of er vanuit hun profiel naar verwijzen, zou de wereld zich daar heus wel op aanpassen.
De kans om gescraped te worden is *misschien* ietsje groter dan op LinkedIn, maar of het daarbij om een significant verschil gaat, betwijfel ik.
Hoeveel "carrièrekansen" ik gemist heb door nooit een LinkedIn-account te hebben gehad, weet ik niet. Maar ik geef er sowieso de voorkeur aan dat anderen mij beoordelen op mijn daden, niet wat iemand (potentieel straffeloos gelogen) in één pagina schrijft.