Hannu Ikonen, MD<p>Right now Im at a point in the series where the author has *hopefully* embraced canards to set them aflame.</p><p>🔸️ A member of the group killed a rapist during the rape in self defense.<br>🔸️The rapists brother dropped a bottle of water while being led away in order to create a distraction & reached for a gun, having previously vowed to kill everyone the rape victim cared about & then them, having already killed her best friend<br>🔸️She shot him dead as he reached for the gun<br>🔸️The group in disbelief have opted to try to recreate our current violent systems & as such, see the need to charge her with murder, summarily judge guilt, and exile her. <br>🔸️She now has PTSD & internalized DARVO.</p><p>I fucking hope this is a post-apocalypytic journey of realizing 1) self defense isnt violence </p><p>2) allo-defense against clear & present dangers isnt violence </p><p>3) Our current systems are dogshit, just like the girl in Iowa blamed for killing her sex abuser & trafficker a few years ago </p><p>4) Agency & autonomy affirming mutual aid systems dont have to recreate violence we have now</p><p>And not just "oh yeah she should feel bad."</p><p>Yes, Freddie Oversteegen's instinct when luring Nazi officers to the woods for sexy time as a 15yo was to try to catch them from falling when she shot them dead. But it was the correct, just, & moral decision to do so in th3 first place.</p><p>Weaponizing guilt to Revictimize is all the group did here. </p><p>They are the violent ones, as is the state of Iowa mentioned above.</p><p><a href="https://zeroes.ca/tags/bookstodon" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>bookstodon</span></a> <a href="https://zeroes.ca/tags/fiction" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>fiction</span></a> <a href="https://zeroes.ca/tags/books" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>books</span></a></p>