Trades Hall has been added to A Radical Guide #WhereWereYouRadicalized? #australia #melbourne #oceania
Trades Hall has been added to A Radical Guide #WhereWereYouRadicalized? #australia #melbourne #oceania
In #Australia and have #LongCovid and need healthcare that your GP isn't offering? Put yourself on the waitlist for Clinic Nineteen, and then get a simple referral from your GP closer to when you're accepted (current wait: 3-6 months).
Appointments are all telehealth. Initial appointment is $110 out of pocket (which is what I just had to pay for a GP out of pocket anyway), unclear about subsequent.
I don't know anything else about the clinic, have just put myself on the wait list, but making sure people know there are still services. #Covid19 #healthcare
"So what we're looking at right now in America, is waking up Monday morning and having $US3 billion ($A4.77B) worth of beef, pork and poultry no longer eligible to export to China,"
Export licences issued five years ago were meant to auto-renew, but that was not happening and it seemed to be on purpose.
Last year the United States sent 170,000 tonnes of beef to China that would need to find another market.
All of the sudden the only grain-fed beef on earth that China can buy is from Australia
#USPol #AusPol #trade #Tariffs #USA #Australia
#NorthernTerritories #Australia #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfOz #BirdsOfAustralia #AustralianBirds #BirdPhotography #NaturePhotography
#RecordShot #AmateurPhotography #NoCopyRight #DSCRX10MIV #Wildlife #Nature
(Give the species name, scientific name, and its approximate location)
Masked Woodswallow (Artamus personatus)
LC Least Concern
hello there, I'm back. I had no internet for 5 days straight and had some minor damage around the house due to the cyclone.
Here is a Dragon for you. I think it might like salty water. Or maybe it just came to see the sunset? Or possible it is just a Sea Dragon coming back home.
“Australia must double down on getting a seat at the table to access the world’s largest research fund, Horizon Europe”
QT @johnquiggin , reporting on Australian universities realising that research cooperation with the USA will soon be dead.
The wombat outcry :
An (illegal) selfie with wildlife
vs systematic wildlife destruction and wilful neglect
"The irony of our country’s leaders condemning the actions of a young tourist’s treatment of a wombat while shamelessly sanctioning their slaughter is impossible to overlook...Kangaroos, native birds, possums, black swans and emus are just a few of the many native animals that landholders are granted licences to kill under the ATCW list."
"Our leaders have a lot to answer for and must confront the uncomfortable truth of their own involvement in wildlife destruction. They can no longer ignore the role they play in enabling the harm of native animals while lecturing others on respect for wildlife."
#biodiversity #WildlifeCrime #Australia #culture #EPBCAct #ecocide #governance #roadkill #deforestation #logging #harm
Four major floods in 50 years is an interesting framing: it was one flood 50 years ago, 35 years passed, and then there's been three just in the last 15 years.
A Red-rumped Parrot (aka Grass Parrot) amongst the clover. The closer you look, the more colours you can see...
Cultivating Community How discourse shapes the philosophy, practice and policy of water management in the Murray–Darling Basin
Featured in 2025 CAFS Social, Book Launch and Awards Ceremony
When: June 3, 2025, 7:00-9:30 pm
Where: And/Ore, 1040 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6J 1H7
Details and tickets:
I want to believe University adminstrations in #Australia are poaching US academics.
Something brand new, the tree and ravens were captured in the highlands of Falls Creek here in Australia. We have very chaotic forests which means the fog is quite vital to making a clear composition. The ravens were captured in nearby trees as there are many found in this area, just not where you want them =P
No title yet...
After seeing how President Zelenskyy was treated by Trump, a cafe in the tiny town of Binalong, NSW, is raising money for Ukraine by imposing 'tariffs' on all US goods they sell. The proceeds go to the Australian Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.
More of this please
A Broom bush has these weird lumps of dense leaf matter. I have never seen this before. Does anyone know what is going on here?
In #Australia, we had a #Robodebt scandal, where the super-conservative government of Scott Morrison (/spit) enacted a program of clawing back the "overpayments" of Welfare to #socialSecurity recipients.
To add insult to injury, the "overpayments" targeted people who tried to eek out a living with casual work...
...the consequences was up to 4000 recipients committed suicide as a consequence.
The (millionaire) minister responsible was told the algorithm was incorrect on at least 3 occasions... human was ever found responsible for this abuse.
I am willing to bet, this social security cut will result in rTump and Moskovitz literally killing people...
...but what do you expect from "...the undesirables ought to be converted into biodiesel"
Cruelty is the point.
My photo from 2014. This is the Taemas Bridge over the Murrumbidgee River at Cavan in New South Wales.
This is at least the third bridge to be built here, the others were destroyed by floods.
Just downstream of here is the Burrinjuck Dam, used for power generation and to control water flows further down.
The road to this bridge is hellish, and goes from Yass to Wee Jasper and beyond into the mountains to the west.