Ernest Hemingway’s 5 Surprisingly Easy Rules for Writing
1. Kill adjectives
2. Murder your darlings
3. Slaughter long sentences
4. Exterminate repetition
5. Whiskey, but only after s̶l̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶l̶u̶s̶t̶ writing
Alright, I'm often critical of Japanese authorities (with reason) so I need to also underline when they do the right thing. And they are for once. Japan is officially dropping the "kunrei shiki" way of transcribing their language into Roman alphabet to officially adapt the Hepburn system.
Let me explain in a small thread if you're not familiar with the whole thing.
When you're not inspired—you're just stubborn.
I wrote something on what no one told me about writing a book. But really, it’s about anything worth doing.
When you assemble stories from fragments of real life, you need to take the long view, says Helga Schubert.
#podcast #books #reading #writing #fiction #translation #comics #blog #bookstodon @bookstodon
If you want to support me with just a few clicks, please consider voting for me in the World Building Awards
I am nominated for 3 categories on Page 2, and 1 on Page 3:
Also give the other nominees a look too please. They all deserve it
“His life was like an open book. It had pages, but they were all blank—all but the last one which was government encrypted.”
New blog post time!
This week's game is TVDJ, a Japan-exclusive PS2 game about helping anthropomorphic animals create quality TV programming. "Quality" is very subjective here because what you're making ends up being closer to Youtube Poops! If you're like me, that ain't a bad thing, though:
“He was like cilantro. Not everyone liked him.”
“His heart struggled to burst out of his chest. Horror filled his mind. He had walked into the house alone—The House of Food.”
“He had finally found the person he was meant to be for life—his soul mate. This happened every few months.”
“She was his flame, his pilot light. She kept him going.”
Chapter 1 of Jigsaw City is available to read on #RoyalRoad:
At great risk to her own life, Nicole furthers her research on dragons by hatching the egg she was given for her 20th birthday, but as she naps between work sessions, she dreams of the ancient City of Kurg.
As it begins to hatch, the egg draws heat from its surroundings, producing bitter and dangerous cold.
When the world feels chaotic, I focus on small things: a sparrow named Peck, a misty morning at Loch Leven, a podcast that has my daughter and me asking why Hera would ever put up with Zeus.
What are your small joys?
Teaching my first course at Hugo House, an 8-week playwriting class that is going to be *ridiculously* fun and cool.
In person in Seattle's Capitol Hill, masks required.
Partial scholarship applications open tomorrow.
It’s time to fall over and relax. Editing is hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I wish I could pay myself for doing it.
“He had heart issues. He was cruel.”
A dog from the future advises you about when not to press the emergency FTL button.
Today’s story is “Puplift: A Dog's Guide to Space - The Go Somewhere Else Button” by Tempe O'Kun, who is the staff writer at Culturally F'd, and the writer of the Windfall and Sixes Wild series by FurPlanet Productions, and you can find more of his stories on his FurAffinity or his SoFurry account.
Read by the author.
Listen here:
I forget who it was (and didn't bookmark the post) who coined or at least introduced me to the Latin abbreviation, "etm." which stands for et merda, and translates to "and shit," but I am gratefully passing it on to you.
I really really want to see this somewhere mainstream someday.